
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page.

You wish to get more attention than your competitors for your product or your message during a fair o conference in Germany or Austria? Here we can help you with our radio- and tv-experienced presenters. They know how to get the attention of the audience or how to entertain your customers during your important business event.

You inform us on your requirements and your budget - we offer you the presenter that fits your needs! Especially for fairs we recommand our special price offers and our price reductions for early-bookings.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for further information.

MODERATOREN FÜR JEDES BUDGET | BÜRO NÜRNBERG | OHRWASCHELWEG 30, 90411 NÜRNBERG | FON: +49 (0) 173 - 36 14 525 ODER +49 (0) 172 - 86 21 817
